Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Soul of a Harper, Rie Sheridan Rose #275



Who was the red-headed queen of Ireland? Why did she assault the harpers of old? Author Rie Sheridan Rose tells the story behind her song “Soul of A Harper”. New Star Trek inspired musical pin. This is Pub Songs & Stories #275. 00:14 - Brobdingnagian Bards “The Unicorn Song” from Songs of Ireland 3:38 - WELCOME TO PUB SONGS & STORIES I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Sci F’Irish musician and podcaster living in Atlanta, Georgia. I have a livestreaming concert this Thursday on Bandcamp. If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that or even better or you can subscribe and download all of my songs in this show. Just send me an email.  pubsong@celtfather. You will get an auto responder to download the month’s songs. You will also get that subscribe link. It’s quick and easy. While you’re emailing me to get your free EP, let me know what you’re doing while listening to this episode. 5:04 - WHAT’S NEW w Star Trek Pint Glass- Musical Pin Shirts by Miranda Nelson Designs Kickstarter Coming fo