Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Demon & Reaver Lullaby, Top 10 Celtic Bands of 2022, GaFilk



There are demons beneath your bed that are gonna eat you up this year. I am unofficially performing at GaFilk this weekend in Atlanta. And I count down the Best Celtic Bands of 2022. This is Atlanta Pub Songs & Stories #262. 0:16 - “The Prettiest Hobbit” by Kilted Kings from Flower of Scotland 2:08 - WELCOME TO ATLANTA PUB SONGS & STORIES I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Celtic and folk musician living in Atlanta, Georgia. This is the audio liner notes for the songs I record and play and for the stories I gather and the people I meet in the city of Atlanta and beyond. This is the first episode as an Atlanta-centric podcast. Hopefully, I can do it justice. 4:26 - WHAT IS GAFILK? Filk is the music of fandom. The name started as a misspelling of folk music that was happening at science fiction conventions back in the 60s. GaFilk, or Georgia Filk, is a convention that happens every year here in Atlanta, Georgia. I was first introduced to it when Brobdingnagian Bards was invited as a Super Secret Guest. We were stil