Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Serenity Valley Waltz



Living literally or metaphorically in a war is a terrible way to live. How do you keep going forward when your friends are dying all around you? Come Adventure with me and my new Kickstarter. Find out how you can keep listening to more Pub Stories on Pub Songs & Stories #253. WHO'S PLAYING IN THE PUB TODAY Welcome to Pub Stories. This is the Virtual Public House to share stories and inspiration behind my music. 0:30 - WHAT’S NEW? First, let me tell you that I am getting ready to Kickstart a new album. If you’re not yet subscribed to my mailing list, please sign up so you don’t miss the Kickstarter. It’s for an album called Come Adventure With Me. It has some more amazing songs. I hope to announce the release of the Kickstarter on the next episode. Second, you’ll note that this episode is quite a bit shorter than past shows. After much debate, I decided to once again retire the format I’ve been working on for the past year. There was a LOT that I loved about that format. I’ve actually been pretty giddy ab