Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn




What’s Yuletide? What’s the difference between Yuletide and Christmas? What is Celtic Christmas music? Plus, hobbits show up in my latest Christmas single. It’s all on Pub Songs & Stories #246. WHO'S PLAYING IN THE PUB TODAY Welcome to Pub Songs & Stories. This is the Virtual Public House to share stories and inspiration behind music with your host Marc Gunn. Subscribe to the podcast and download free music at 0:25 -  WHAT’S NEW? The kids got to decorate a Christmas tree yesterday. It was not ours. Which seemed kind of an odd thing to do. Maybe it’s my solitary nature. I never thought of tree decorating as a communal experience. But then again, I’ve never had friends quite like those I have living in Georgia. Hopefully, our tree will be up by the time this goes live. Because I also need to get some pictures and videos to promote the holiday season. Today’s show is brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. Thanks to my newest Patron: Brian Petty. I can’t begin to thank you enough for