Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Celtic Christmas Drinking Songs #111



Wouldn't that make a great album title? I've had it on my to do list for so long with no progress at using it. So I decided to just make a podcast using that title. Maybe it'll inspire me to actually finish a Christmas album.... Or maybe not. News: Thanks to everyone who voted in the Podcast Awards. Winners will be announced in January. "Not Every Day Is St Patrick's Day" on January 17th. Join my Street Team if you want to be a part of the promotion. Sample the album now with "Celtic Music Is Freedom". Now on CD Baby, Amazon and iTunes. Homepage Updated... Again Mayan End of the World Music Clearance New Hobbit Drinking Songs Sheet Music in Book form Become a Patron of the Arts for Marc Gunn New Album from Brobdingnagian Bards Next Year Celtic Christmas Podcast Help Wanted Music: "Celtic Christmas Elf Conscription Song" by Marc Gunnfrom Single "No Snow Never" by Craig of Farringtonfrom A Rhyme for Orange "Bog Down In Christmas" by Brobdingnagian Bardsfrom Christmas in Brobdingnag "Hammered for Christmas" by