Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Happy 4th of July, Recognizing the Remarkable #89



We are heading out of town for the 4th.  I thought it'd be nice to share a few songs of Celtic freedom as I talk a little bit about recognizing the remarkable. Notes: Recognizing the Remarkable "The Purple Cow" by Seth Godin July 8th, my 6th year anniversary as a musician Confirmed for DragonCon Music: "Elves" by Marc Gunnfrom Don't Go Drinking With Hobbits "The Sons of Liberty" by Jed Marumfrom The Soul of a Wanderer "Love & Freedom" by Colleen Raneyfrom Linnet "Fire of Freedom" by Black 47from Fire of Freedom "Beggars to God" by Rambling Sailorsfrom Bright Shining Clear "Freedom Costs" by Bedlam Bards & Marc Gunnfrom Firefly Drinking Songs Support the Podcast: If this show entertained, you can return the favor after listening to each show: Buy Marc a Pint at, buy CDs from the Celtic Music CD Store, follow the links above to order music on amazon or CD Baby, or just help promote the show anyway you can..