Geek Pub Songs With Marc Gunn

Why Celtic Women and Kilts Are the Bomb #62



I had a busy week of promotion with a couple big projects like the Celtic Women special on the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast and the Drinking Game on the Renaissance Festival Podcast. Add to that the Kilted For Her Pleasure arrived on my doorstep, and I'm psyched. A brand new CD to suit the Celtic comedy fans out there. Notes: New Celtic Music iMix Free Kilt Stickers Celtic CD Summer Sale Blowout!Still good until July 31st. The latest Renaissance Festival Podcast Drinking Show may've gotten a wee bit out of hand! Setup a new diatonic autoharp Finished the new feature on Celtic Women for the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast. Kilted For Her Pleasure CDs arrived. Aug 16, 2010 official CD release. 2 Autoharps on Sale on eBay plus a bunch of Celtic CDs Irish Music for New Orleans July Street Team Challenge for iTunes Users There & Back Again. ALEP 2 in 2011. A Hobbit Gathering you don't want to miss. I'll also be doing a CD Release of Kilted For Her Pleasure in Dallas at FenCon. Got more baby gifts from our