Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Midwife Assistant for Amish, Doula, Infertility Specialist, Author, Epigenetics, & Functional Medicine - Jaclyn Downs



*Most people get into birth work because they had a very negative birth experience. That's not my story. I became a doula in 2001, long before it was a common term.*Then, from about ages 24-29, I apprenticed with a home birth midwife, mostly to the Amish community.*It was during this time that I became aware of just how common fertility challenges and miscarriages are.*I took my nutrition education/experience and coupled it with my career in birth work (doula, prenatal/postpartum yoga instructor, placenta encapsulation specialist, founder of a doula collective that gave workshops on topics like making birth plans, breastfeeding, baby wearing, etc.) and began focusing on fertility optimization.*When my first daughter (both born at home) was a toddler, I began doing research for a naturopath on MTHFR & methylation*That exploded into a comprehensive functional genomic analysis that I use today to support my clients to get to foundational causes of puzzling health challenges, like fertility.I am a functional