Spa It Girl Talk Show By Yvette Le Blowitz

EP.144 - The No-Nonsense Meditation Book with Dr Steven Laureys MD, Award-Winning Neurologist, Brain-Scientist, Author & Speaker



Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz EP.144 - The No-Nonsense Meditation Book with Dr Steven Laureys MD, Award-Winning Neurologist, Brain-Scientist, Author & Speaker Dr Steven Laureys, MD PhD, is an award-winning Neurologist and Neuroscientist, recognised worldwide as a leading clinician and researcher in the field of the neurology of consciousness. He is head of GIGA Consciousness Research Unit and Brain Clinic of the University and University Hospital of Liege in Belgium, and Professor at CERVO Brain Centre at Laval University, Canada. He is in demand as a speaker and the approachable expert of brain science. Professor Laureys has received awards from the European Academy of Neurology, the European Academy of Sciences, the German Max Planck Society and the US Society of Cognitive Neuroscience. He is the former president of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness and has published over 500 scientific articles on the workings of the human mind.  Steven has five chil