The James Altucher Show

The Future of Medicine is Personalized, Predictive, and in Your Hands! | Dr. Leroy Hood & Dr. Nathan Price



Dr. Leroy Hood and Dr. Nathan Price, with over a century of combined experience in the industry, have written a book titled The Age of Scientific Wellness: Why the Future of Medicine is Personalized, Predictive, Data Rich, and in Your Hands. The book explores cutting-edge technology that can help people live longer, healthier lives regardless of age. In today's interview, they discuss the role of AI in improving human lifespan, immunotherapy, NMN, gene editing, Alzheimer's, and other related topics. No 'stupid question' of James' goes unanswered!They also share insights about their personal experiences, including stories about Dr. Hood's one-on-one experience as a graduate student of  Richard Feynman while Feynman was compiling his classic 3-volume Lectures on Physics. The Age of Scientific Wellness is an excellent resource for readers interested in learning more about modern medicine.------------What do YOU think of the show? Head to and fill out a short survey that will help