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012: GRAB BAG with Brandon Judd



This is the first half of our August show at Foam Coffee and Beer in St Louis. The theme was GRAB BAG, so really we didn't have a theme. 3/4 of the stories ended up being about drugs. Our guest panelist was Josh Arnold. He's @Juddgment on twitter.  Our storytellers are Jen Weinman and Caity Biberdorf. The first story has a lot of glitter and crying, and the second one takes place in 5,000 living rooms. Our next live shows is at Foam on 9/25 and other comedians are telling the stories. We also have a show at The Improv Shop on 10/8. So many shows. Follow us on Facebook for up to date news about shows and episodes. Also, we're going to be filming a bunch of our upcoming shows as a sort of pilot we were asked to do, as well as to submit to comedy festivals. So, come see a show and be a part of something great.