Fitness Confidential With Vinnie Tortorich

Easy Got Us Sick - Episode 2491



Episode 2491 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss bicycles, Vinnie's "Dirty Keto" documentary, how "easy" got us sick, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Easy Got Us Sick Where the term “Soft and Succulent” comes from. (2:00) John Muir named the trail he created for non-mountaineers to reach the top of Mt. Whitney. They switch to talking about bicycles, gears, penny-farthings, and the Tour de France. (6:00) Gina got to preview Vinnie’s new documentary “Dirty Keto”. (14:00) She addresses Dr. Drew’s appearance in the film. They discuss MCT oil and cardiology. (17:00) Cholesterol is not a bad thing; every cell in our body needs it. (22:00) Heart disease has almost nothing to do with cholesterol. All the names for sugar was a powerful point for Gina. (27:00) Honey is not better than any other sugar—the liver is a meritocracy. Gina shares some points she lo