Shiaght Laa

Shiaght Laa 30th September 2021



We look at a presentation at the Erin Arts Centre called 'At the Season's Edge' by Tholtan Theatricals and Caarjyn Cooidjagh. The evening comprised two works commissioned by Culture Vannin: Cori Philips's short, amusing piece called 'Our Loch-y Charm' and a one-act play by Annie Kissack, 'The In-Between Times', both set in the 1860s.   We hear two more of the successful poets who have contributed to this year's Isle of Man Poetry Society's Poetry Trail, including Peel and Ramsey as well as Douglas this time. Jerry Carter is a saxophonist and jazz lover who has been involved in organising the first Port Erin Jazz Festival. He tells us about special guests, Alan Barnes and Dave Newton, Beccy Rork and the Leeds College of Music Jazz Band, as well as about the many Island musicians who'll be performing.