Shiaght Laa

Shiaght Laa 4th March 2021



We join the ceremony to present the Island's highest cultural award, the Reih Bleeaney Vanannan, to Peter Kelly, MBE, CP. As part of the award, Peter requested that £500 be donated by Culture Vannin for the use of the Baillie Scott-designed Onchan Village Hall. We hear Chair of Culture Vannin, Chris Thomas, MHK reading the citation; Vice-Chair, Marlene Maska, MLC presenting the cheque for £500 to Peter Cory on behalf of the Onchan Village Hall, who replies; and, after hearing from Peter Kelly himself, Marlene Maska presents him with a certificate designed by Julia Ashby Smythe. Afterwards, we hear Peter Kelly talking about Onchan Village Hall and about how his two life-long pursuits of history and architecture came about.