Shiaght Laa

Shiaght Laa 29th August 2019



Manx Radio's weekly programme looking at Manx life from a different angle, exploring the historical, social, linguistic and academic issues. This weekend sees the second Our Island : Our World festival, celebrating the world's variety of cultures in music, food and much more. Christy DeHaven talks to the man whose idea it is, Dave Mclean. If you're wondering about the merriment with reference to Latin music band Lava that Dave is looking forward to hearing, vocals feature one Christy DeHaven! We also have a brief overview of events. Last weekend came the announcement that Zoe Cannell has been appointed as the Sixth Manx Bard. We hear from Zoe and from young poets who read their work as part of the celebration - Kinley Clugston, Meri Wade and Finn Franklin of the Bunscoill Ghaelgagh, and the Manx Youth Bard, Holly MacRae, and another young poet, Esther Walters.