Shiaght Laa

Shiaght Laa 27th June 2019



Manx Radio's weekly programme looking at Manx life from a different angle, exploring the historical, social, linguistic and academic issues. We look at the events which bring the 45th Mananan Festival to a close, with the Brodsky Quartet, the Scott Brothers Duo and Kabantu - with the added bonus of an organ recital by Jonathan Scott. We look at some of the films made for Culture Vannin, exploring the history and folklore of the Island. A first-time visitor to the Island is Anthony Callow, of a Manx family which emigrated to Canada in 1928. Whilst he still has relatives in Canada, Anthony himself was born in Costa Rica. He's in the Island bringing a 2-volume family history to the Manx Museum. And there are two forthcoming talks at the Manx Museum: Dr Margaret Bennett talking about the legacy of Eric R Cregeen; and Dr Andrew McDonald talking about the Sea Kings of Man and the Hebridean Isles. His research is helping them to emerge from the forgotten pages of British mediaeval history.