Shiaght Laa

Shiaght Laa 20th June 2019



Manx Radio's weekly programme looking at Manx life from a different angle, exploring the historical, social, linguistic and academic issues. The 45th Mananan Festival at the Erin Arts Centre in Port Erin provides a great opportunity to see leading artists in an intimate setting - and perhaps to provide inspiration for new ways to look at and present Manx culture. From the south to the north, where we join George Hobbs at Dreemskerry on the Manx Electric Railway for a conversation about tramway matters, arising from his recent publication for Loaghtan Books. 'Power, Poles & Platelaying : Keeping the MER on Track'. As well as hearing George, we hear several passing trams, including two who feature in Sara Goodwins' three Tales of the MER, now available on a CD. And finally, we look ahead briefly to a Culture Vannin film night on Thursday 27th June.