Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

Expert Tips for Becoming a Leading Voice in Patient Advocacy with Fibromyalgia Patient Advocate Kristal Kent



In recognition of Fibromyalgia Awareness Month, the latest episode of the Autoimmune Hour features host Sharon Sayler and guest Kristal Kent, an army veteran and fibromyalgia advocate. Kristal shares her self-advocacy journey and emphasizes the importance of raising awareness for invisible illnesses. She discusses how her personal experience with fibromyalgia led her to become an advocate for legislative and social media attention. Kristal also highlights • the need for more research and better representation of invisible illnesses. • the importance of self-education, tracking symptoms, and advocating for one’s health,• the necessity for inclusivity in advocacy, representing all affected demographics, including men,Lastly, Kristal inspires others to find creative ways to support their chosen cause and much more...More About Our Guest: Kristal Kent is an Army Veteran living with Fibromyalgia. Through her journey, Kristal identified the lack of support, healthcare options, and education for those living with Fi