Soma Eastside Church Sermons

Jesus First Picks (Mark 1:14-20)



Jesus prepares the way for his kingdom by: 1. Declaring His message. "The Kingdom of God is near! Repent (turn away) from your sins and believe the Good News!" 2. Picking His team. Peter, Andrew, James and John were first round picks. What principles can we learn from that account? - Jesus chooses ordinary people like us to do his extraordinary work. - Jesus has a kingdom-sized vision. - Jesus redeems our past. - He invests in the obedient. How do you prepare yourself to prepare the way for others? 1. Ask God to show you areas that need to be redeemed (in your life, home, school or workplace, neighborhood). 2. Ask God for a Kingdom Vision. Ask, "How do these things change when they are redeemed?" 3. Pray for God's Kingdom to come into these areas. 4. Listen for how God will call you into action and follow where he leads. 5. Share these prayers with a fellow believer or with your MC group. For further contemplation, follow links to learn about: - “Faith and Work”, Luke Bobo, The Gospel Coalition - Christi