Art Of Boring

Fishing in Less Crowded Ponds: Identifying opportunities in Emerging Markets | EP155



Portfolio Manager Wen Cheong debunks the perceived challenges of investing in the emerging market space, highlighting his team’s concentrated approach and candour. He details how his focus on best-in-class management and passion for identifying attractive valuations has powered returns.   Key points from this episode:   • Small-cap companies are a pond with fewer rocks; opportunities can be found in steady, established businesses with competitive advantages. • The slump in semiconductor demand in 2023 was primarily driven by a normalization in post-pandemic demand and macro challenges leading to an inventory de-stocking cycle. • The EM team makes decisions for the portfolio entirely on a bottom-up basis with a slight macro overlay. • Even in areas with geopolitical uncertainty, opportunities can be found in well-run, high-quality companies with attractive valuations. • The emerging markets space remains full of diverse opportunities for those willing to do the deep dive.   Host: Rob Campbell, CFA, Institution