Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 214: Solo #5: Darwyn Cooke



In this month's installment of our readthrough of DC's Solo, we're finally covering the Darwyn Cooke issue! Everybody should know how great Cooke was. He contributed to a lot of the early DC Animated Universe, and he left a big impact on comics. While works like DC: The New Frontier and his Parker adaptations are probably his most famous, you should definitely keep an eye out for Solo #5 in the back issue bins. It is a treasure, and a veritable showcase of his talents. Join us in this episode as we discuss why his work in general continues to resonate with us, and as we do a story-by-story analysis of his issue of Solo! For a handy Spotify playlist featuring all of our episodes on Solo, click here: If you have any thoughts, comments, questions, or corrections, we're here. Feel free to hit us up on our socials, or email us! We have a Linktree here: Thanks again to Corey J. Beats for producing our theme music. Check out all of his music on various platform