Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

The Offence of the Cross



Galatians 6:14 — What is the central message of the gospel? In this sermon on Galatians 6:14 titled “The Offence of the Cross,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the cross and its centrality to the good news of Jesus Christ. How one responds to the cross, he says, determines how they will spend eternity. Paul says that the cross is either an offense or something to glory in, and if either of these reactions are not caused, then the cross has not been preached accurately. Why is it offensive? Dr. Lloyd-Jones provides three reasons. First, it cuts across human pride and preconceived notions of one’s ability to be in control of their destiny. Second, the natural person wants to be saved by ideas and philosophies, and the cross is not that. Third, the cross appears to some to be immoral— the idea of an innocent man dying for those who have done wrong is scandalous to many. Yet, it is the crux of the cross. The cross levels the playing fields between all people—the wealthy, the poor, the academic, and the laypers