Mac Outdoors With Mia And Lea

142 Young Girl's Hunting Adventures: Kristin Gentile Talks Hazel the Hunter



In this episode, Mia is joined by "Hazel the Hunter" author Kristin Gentile. Kristin shares the world of Hazel, a young girl whose story intertwines the joys of a little girl and her journey to hunting adventures. Listen as we explore gun safety, perseverance, and inclusivity in hunting through the text. We'll also learn about the book's journey from concept to publication. Stick around for valuable advice for aspiring writers and some great resources on hunting and safety. Important Links: Hazel the Hunter book -- MAC Outdoors bonus episode, Ladies Hunting Camp -- SUPPORT THE SHOW! Use discount code MACO10 at WSI Sports — Use discount code ANSTINE at Tarnkappe — Mia’s Amazon Storefront — MAC Outdoors apparel and gear – Self-Defense Radio Network –