All That Glitters

Are your standard too high? with Dr. Joshua Smith



In this conversation, Kait and Joshua discuss the challenges of accepting compliments and setting high standards for oneself. They explore how their internal narratives and perfectionistic tendencies affect their self-perception and drive for success. Kait shares her struggle with feeling like she's never enough and the fear of complacency. Joshua provides insights into the grading system and how it can skew one's perception of achievement. They both acknowledge the importance of self-awareness and finding a balance between striving for excellence and self-acceptance. In this conversation, Kait and Joshua discuss the challenges of feeling like they are not enough and the impact of past experiences on their self-worth. They explore the importance of being authentic and true to oneself in relationships, rather than trying to change or please others. They emphasize the need to find someone who appreciates and accepts them for who they are. Kait shares her journey of healing and self-discovery, and Joshua