Awakin Call

Reinaldo Pamponet and Madhu Anziani -- Three Worlds: A Musical Journey



After an inspiring Awakin Call with Madhu Anziani last month, Reinaldo, Madhu and a few more heartful artists are coming back for a unique experiment -- A musical immersion into the three worlds of shamanic journey, through singing, chanting and drumming.  About Three Worlds: As per Inca mythology, we inhabit three worlds simultaneously, and many other spiritual practices discuss the “middle path” in a similar way.  These worlds are said to exist within us and all around us: Ukhupacha: the “lower world,” that of our unconscious and house of psychological wounds, ancestral baggage, past life influences, and as-yet-realized potential (snake energy) Kaypacha: the “middle world,” which might define the tapestry for our everyday experiences; the primal energy of this world is survival, but when balanced and secure, we can focus on mindfulness and present-moment awareness (puma power). Hanaqpacha:  the “upper world,” also known as the world of our