

To keep you informed, this will be the last session before I take a summer break. Along with taking time for much-anticipated rest, I’ll be busy with my family and many STC-related projects! STC will still be here, though, as we run replays of our best episodes for you during this time. I look forward to returning in a few weeks with another great season of podcast sessions for you! As I prepare to see clients very soon in my return to private practice, I’ve been given unique opportunities to do two talks related to mental health for folks near my childhood home of Dallas, Texas. Through a childhood friend, I became connected to a nonprofit there and was asked to share my personal experience with mental health. As a high-achiever, I grew up as a South Asian kid in the US, struggling with anxiety and depression. It was REAL and led me to see a psychologist, prompting my love for psychology and changing the course of my life. I shared my story with parents of high-achieving kids through this nonprofit and