In Bed With Neil Moodie

Ep - Special "In Bed With Neil Moodie" with guest Karl Plewka talking about Corinne Day



My guest on this episode is Karl Plewka, legendary fashion stylist, consultant, and the current editor of Beauty Papers Magazine in the UK. He regularly collaborated with our dear friend, iconic photographer Corinne Day on numerous shoots from Vogue magazine through to iD. On August 28th 2019, exactly 9 years to the day of the passing of Corinne, we were sat in my flat having a conversation. reminiscing about meeting, knowing, collaborating and working with Corinne, raising a little toast to her and talking about her legacy that will continue forever. We decided that our conversation would make for a good podcast episode. Corinne has a website where you can view her work plus you can see her images and regular new posts on the Corinne Day Instagram account @corinnedayofficial