Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Sara Avant Stover, Uncovering the Transformative Power of Heartbreak for Women Entrepreneurs, Episode 346



Today, we have the pleasure of welcoming Sara Avant Stover, one of my favorite authors. In our interview today, she shares her personal story that inspired her newest book, Handbook for the Heartbroken, and how heartbreak has shaped her path as an entrepreneur and discovers the transformative growth that can arise from such experiences. As women entrepreneurs, this is an important topic, because over the course of our business lifetimes, we will experience many heartbreaks - the loss of a loved one, the loss of a dream, the loss of relationships, and more. It’s simply life. We are always humans living life first. In This Episode: Sara Avant Stover shares her personal journey of heartbreak and betrayal following the release of her second book, leading to the writing of "Handbook for the Heartbroken." Discover the unique struggles women entrepreneurs face during times of grief, and navigating challenges without a support system or financial stability. Learn the therapeutic power of basic self-care pr