Pacey Performance Podcast

Vertical and horizontal jumping during ACL return to play with Roula Kotsifaki



In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob sits down with Physiotherapist and Head of the Assessment Lab at Aspetar, Roula Kotsifaki to delve into the critical role of technology and specific testing protocols in determining an athlete's readiness to return to play after an ACL injury. Roula emphasizes the importance of measuring asymmetries, movement quality, and strength to prevent future injuries. Key highlights include the construction of sensitive testing protocols to measure key competencies. Roula discusses the significance of hop tests and jump tests in identifying asymmetries and the role of landing variability in ACL rehabilitation. She highlights the use of 3D force plates and cameras to accurately assess power metrics and joint contributions during vertical and horizontal jumps, which are crucial for evaluating an athlete's readiness. Roula also details which metrics we should trust and which we shouldn't, and that includes her questioning the use of rate of force development related me