Albuquerque Business Podcast

Why I Feel Like the World is Against Me (And My Journey to Overcome It)



As a leader, I often grapple with an unsettling feeling – that people are against me. It's a heavy burden to bear, casting shadows on even the brightest days. Perhaps you've felt this too, my fellow leader. It's a lonely path, one that can make us question our purpose and abilities. The Spiritual Roots of My Struggle In my heart, I believe this struggle is more than just professional challenges or interpersonal conflicts. It's a spiritual battle, a tug-of-war between my ego and my higher self. My ego, driven by a need for validation and control, whispers in my ear, convincing me that I am constantly under attack. It magnifies negativity, distorting my perception of reality. I've come to realize that this ego-driven perspective is a defense mechanism, a shield against perceived threats to my identity and self-worth. It's a natural human response, but one that can be incredibly damaging. Why Does My Ego Act This Way? Deep down, my ego is trying to protect me. It sees any challenge or criticism as a threat, a po