Building A Storybrand With Donald Miller | Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

#177: The Secret to Winning Over Customers and Outshining Your Competition



Frustrated your marketing isn't working? Stuck wondering why customers aren't clicking "buy now"? Imagine turning that around in just five minutes. Get the help you need to clarify your message and grow your business with our free 5 Minute Marketing Makeover video series. Get immediate access to the 5 Minute Marketing Makeover video series at   --   Even if you have the best product in the marketplace, you will lose to your competition if they explain more clearly how their products solve your customer’s problems. Business owners often miss the mark when it comes to communicating their value clearly. This confusion leads to lost sales, disengaged customers, and the frustrating feeling of being overlooked. The truth is, your product isn't the problem—your message is. So how do you create a clear, compelling message that captures your customers’ attention and makes your brand the obvious choice?   It’s Marketing Month here at Business Made Simple, and we’re kicking it off with a de