Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast

300 A leadership perspective from 10,000ft with fighter pilot Dom Teich



US Fighter Pilot Dominic ‘Slice’ Teich knows a thing or two about peak performance and, as a recovering workaholic, has had to intentionally reframe what success means in order to step off the ‘hamster wheel of achievement’. As well as being a full-time fighter pilot, Dom is an entrepreneur and publisher of the Single Seat Mindset series of books that shares leadership stories from the cockpits of 40 fellow pilots. These are combat proven strategies that can be leveraged by any peak performer and in this conversation, Dom shares his journey to Single Seat Wisdom and leadership lessons from the third dimension!  Shownotes See more at http://www.zoerouth.com/podcast/leadership-perspective-dom-teich   Key Moments Fighter pilot origin story  [2:00] Flying an F16  [6:30] On learned behaviours  [8:20] Deployment experiences  [10:50] The (mental) crash  [13:20] Developing empathy  [16:00] Defining success  [18:30] Join us in Amplifiers Academy  [21:30] The ‘Slice’ story [22:00] Single Seat Mindset  [25:10] How a fig