Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast

133 The keys to leadership success are passion, perseverance and purpose according to Frank Fiume II



What does it take to build a wildly successful business? Author and entrepreneur Frank Fiume shares his deeply personal story on the highs and lows of creating a business based on passion. What looks like a linear journey is rarely that clearcut: Frank shares how he worked his way through each low and the lessons about life and leadership along the way. Why you should listen: Learn from Frank’s experience of turning adversity and a life in poverty to an advantage in shaping his ambitions Three strategies to make through the tough times: hire for your weakness, restructure to make sure you get the balance right and join a group of peers for sounding board and advice Anticipate the three stages of entrepreneurial growth: hunger, resilience, and fulfillment. We explore: When Frank worked out that he was more than his business, and his business was more than him The terrible chasm he experienced between a life of poverty and a life of wealth as he swung between his divorced parents’ very different c