Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast

124 Why leadership strategies need to be good enough rather than perfect with Lynne Cazaly



Do you struggle with perfectionism? Procrastination? These are some of the blockers to doing good work. Our very desire to do good work stops us from doing so! Lynne Cazaly is an author, international speaker, and master facilitator. She has published six books, including her latest Ish - The Problem with our Pursuit for Perfection and the Life-Changing Practice of Good Enough. We talk about: How leaders get in the way of good results by trying to censor the inputs and control the outcomes High performing teams work intensely within constraints, and celebrate small wins Defining the standard you are working towards, and why that is important is the critical first move away from perfectionism paralysis The next move of identifying the high value tasks, the 20% of tasks that give you 80% of results, is your next best move How using a pressure on / pressure off method works for both introverts and extroverts in an iterative agile-ish process Improvisation techniques help us release the hold of perfectionism and