Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast

120 The importance of your past with Men's Life Coach Greg Gillies



What does it take to be a real man? Life Coach for Men, Greg Gillies, knows that it’s not what we usually think. It’s not about material success, business goal achievement, or a facebook narrative. He believes we need to clear the programming from our past so we can embrace the best of who we can be. Greg shares his own downward spiral from successful executive and business owner to numbed out alcohol abuser through to renewed and liberated healthy male leader. He reveals how kinesiology and quantum matrix therapy helped clear his unconscious past beliefs so he could choose more powerful ones. We take a deep dive into sympathetic nervous system dominance, the body’s natural healing system, releasing negative emotions and beliefs from our past, resolving conflicts in our brain, **** Shownotes: www.zoerouth.com/podcast/greglifecoachformen About Greg Gillies: Greg Gillies is a Life Coach for Men. He is an expert in emotional intelligence and releasing blocks, He helps men release past limiting beliefs, influenc