Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Nadira Artyk, Empowering Women’s Voices, Leadership, and Impact, Episode 347



Happy spring, almost summer. I've been gardening and have some tomatoes and veggies growing in container gardens. We've got a new horse in the barn and there's just a lot of excitement at our house. Another exciting news is that we are starting to plan our 2024 Extraordinary Women Ignite Conference on October 24th through 26th in Golden, Colorado. Over the past decade, Ignite has empowered hundreds of women to transform their businesses and lives with bold plans of action grounded in wisdom, clarity, and purpose. This year, we're diving deeper into unlocking time and wealth prosperity, attracting sole clients, and simplifying and scaling businesses for sustainable growth. Early bird tickets are on sale now and all the details are available here. Today, I am thrilled to introduce a remarkable guest, Nadira Artyk. Based in Paris, France, Nadira runs Elevate Accelerator, empowering women worldwide to find their authentic leadership voices, build personal brands, and advance their careers. Her background as a fo