The Accidental Creative

Question (Almost) Everything



Get full interviews and daily episodes in the Daily Creative app.In this episode of Daily Creative, we delve into the fascinating world of questioning and its impact on creativity and problem-solving. We start with a story from the 1980s about A&W Restaurants’ third-pound burger blunder, highlighting the importance of asking the right questions.We then welcome Warren Berger, the author of "A More Beautiful Question," who shares his journey from a newspaper journalist to a "questionologist." Berger emphasizes that asking the right questions is a vital skill that often goes untrained, even in fields that rely heavily on inquiry, like journalism.Our discussion reveals how innovators from Silicon Valley use questions not just to gather information but to spark creativity and solve problems. Berger introduces us to three fundamental types of questions—Why?, What If?, and How?—that can guide us through any challenge.We also explore how leaders can cultivate a questioning culture within their organizations by mo