Zen Commuter

2053: Pierre Motor - Heroic Productivity with Help From Meditation



Today I want to introduce you to a very good friend of mine, Pierre Motor. He is the go-to guy for all things productivity. As a coach he instructs his students in a host of ways how to become their ultimate focused self. And while it isn’t his main secret weapon, meditation has aided him in his journey and those of his clients for many years. Meditation Coaching Schedule Time with Thom (Complimentary consultation) Links from the Episode: Click here for Pierre's Distraction Shield: A Guide to Minimize Distractions and Maximize Focus. It’s FREE! Become a Super-Fan of the Show Support ZEN commuter and get access to patron bonuses THANKS FOR LISTENING! Thanks again for listening to the show! If it has helped you in any way, please share it using the social media buttons you see on the page. Also, reviews for the podcast on iTunes are extremely helpful, they help it reach a wider audience.  The more positive reviews the higher in the rankings it goes.  Of course that means more peace in the world.  So please let