Your Next Million With Frank Kern

Forget Your List, Focus On This



It used to be all about your email list. Now, email is becoming less and less effective every day with less people opening and clicking. So what’s an internet marketer to do? Find out how Frank is selling his new book Convert 2.0 using an alternate strategy that is even more powerful than email AND how he’s doing it without paying for ads! The death of your email list may actually be a good thing for your business. If you have been using email to market your business, you will have noticed that your open and click through rates have been declining consistently. Email has been gradually becoming less effective. Most people check their email on a mobile device, which means they probably won’t see your message. Gmail is actually now recommending users to unsubscribe from commercial email lists if they haven’t opened anything in a while. GDPR is making it very difficult to email people in Europe as well, so much so that Frank has removed everyone from Europe off his email list, and there is a good chance of some