Your Next Million With Frank Kern

One Piece Of Paper Can Cure Overwhelm



When it comes to selling online, it can feel like you have a million things to do and no time to get them all done. Frank reveals a simple exercise that will help you get clear on what you need to do to cure your feeling of overwhelm and understand exactly what you need to work on next. Have you ever felt like it’s totally overwhelming to sell things online? You feel like you have to do everything all at once and instead you end up doing nothing. Take a piece of paper and divide it into four quadrants. There are really only two things we do online, we build a list and then we sell them stuff. Within those two things there are only four major activities. In the building a list world, we get traffic and then we get them to opt-in. In the sales world, we have email and then the sales system. Everything that you’re going to do in your entire universe of selling things online is going to fall into one of these four categories. When it comes to traffic, we have the audience, the image, and the copy. In many ways,