Your Next Million With Frank Kern

Your Decision Making Process



A process you can use to make big decisions in your business and life - designed by Frank Kern. Grab the worksheet/workbook here - In past episodes, we’ve come up with a number of processes for selling and for finding your clients, but making decisions are just as important as those things and requires the same consideration. Frank wants to help you figure out how to do less in your business while making more and having fun. Key Lessons Learned: Making Big Decisions “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” -Tony Robbins The first thing to think about is not the thing you are making the decision on. The first step is to clarify your big picture goal. Be very specific on what the goal looks like and the details of your vision. Write down the purpose of your business. What are you trying to achieve with your work? At this point, we start to consider the thing we are actually making the decision on. Write down the details and options you are thinking about. The four