Your Next Million With Frank Kern

Your Best Process



The idea of your best process. Discover which method of acquiring customers will allow you to grow your business faster, with more profit, while also generating goodwill with your prospects.  Worksheet at Frank wants to help you figure out how to do less in your business while making more and having fun. Key Lessons Learned: Acquiring Customers A core process is a fancy way of naming a dependable and predictable way of acquiring customers. Most businesses have lots of ways that they acquire customers, but we’re talking about your number one go to process. Take out your worksheet and write down every process with which you have gotten a sale in the past. The process you’ve used to make a sale of product A may also be applicable to selling product B. Create a vertical list of all the ways that you’ve have sold something, these are the processes that you have deployed to get a sale. Next, you will go through your list of processes and figure out how much each process generated in sales. Don’t l