Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing With Jason Hartman

2168: Uncovering Hidden Wealth: Beating Inflation and Understanding Housing Demand in Real Estate Investing Part 2



Today we delve into the psychology of investing, market predictions, and strategies to beat inflation. We discuss the hidden wealth in income properties, likening them to icebergs with unseen benefits such as principal pay down, tax benefits, and inflation-induced debt destruction. Using a real estate example from 2011-2021, we illustrate how property values surged while mortgage payments decreased in real terms. This phenomenon, driven by inflation, reduces the real cost of debt. Unlike other assets, income properties leverage bank partnerships and tax-deferred exchanges, providing unmatched advantages in an inflationary future. We then dive into the significant impact of population growth on the housing market. Despite a 45 million increase in population, inventory levels per capita suggest a much higher housing demand. Immigrant influxes and births continue to drive demand, even as the baby boomer generation ages. Although forecasts scaled back U.S. population growth to 373 million by 2053, housing demand