Human Resources For Small Business

From Praise to Pressure - Understanding the Perfectionism Problem with Greg Chasson



Sit down with host Brandon Laws and guest Dr. Gregory Chasson for a never-discussed topic on our podcast: perfectionism in the workplace. Drawing insights from his recent book, Flawed, Dr. Chasson paints a picture of how the relentless pursuit of perfection can spiral into a toxic force within corporate culture. Tune in to learn how leaders can combat this “perfection obsession” with empathy, understanding, and flexibility.    TAKEAWAYS Perfectionism becomes problematic when it involves excessive, inflexible demands that go beyond what's considered normal or healthy. Procrastination is often a manifestation of perfectionism because people engage in safety behaviors such as excessive checking, reassurance-seeking, or extensive research to avoid failure. Perfectionism undermines workplace efficiency and productivity because it leads to decision paralysis, a toxic work environment, and other-oriented perfectionism, where employees impose unrealistic standards on their colleagues. Organizational practices