Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

Naked In The Now; Marijke McCandless



Marijke McCandless, author of the newly released book Naked In The Now, is a playfulness instigator and award-winning writer. She is recognized by prestigious outlets, including Spirituality and Health Magazine, Best Self, and Thrive Global. Through her dynamic online writing practice group, Write Now Mind, and a range of personal growth workshops, she empowers individuals to embrace the present moment with joy and authenticity. Her book, with the subtitle Juicy Practices for Getting Present, invites readers on an inner striptease journey towards self-discovery. With a passion for adventure, especially rock climbing, Marijke encourages others to step out of their comfort zones and live fully. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.MarijkeMcCandless.com Most Influential Person Joel Morwood (author of the book called The Way of Selflessness) Effect On Emotions Mindfulness taught me that emotions can be separated