Scott Thompson Show

Object from SpaceX falls in rural Saskatchewan field. Does not contain Superman



The Hamilton Today Podcast with Scott Thompson: Is Ottawa making misleading claims about the capital gains tax? In a new article for the Globe and Mail, Jake Fuss of the Fraser institute says ‘yes’ and asks the next big question… why? Can anything substantial come from the Ukraine-led peace summit taking place right now, since Russia is not attending? The Ford government is allowing The Beer Store to sell a lot more than just beer! Would buying bollards at Costco for your driveway be a good investment for your car’s security? In a new piece for The Hill Times, entitled ‘The minister who cried capital gains,’Tim Powers writes that “the feds are trying to weaponize the capital gains framework as some form of class warfare under the cover of a call for fairness.” SpaceX has retrieved pieces of space junk in southern Saskatchewan, months after landing in farmers' fields rather than burning up. Elizabeth May is the first party leader aside from Justin Trudeau to see the unredacted report alleging MPs are knowingly