Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Nutrition and Mitochondrial Health - How to Detox Safely and Boost Your Immune System for Optimal Health with Sara Banta



On this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor, I discussed mitochondrial health with Sara Banta, owner of Accelerated Health Products, a line of natural supplements aimed at balancing your overall health. She is a health coach and biohacker, with her supplements you can bolster your immune system by giving your body everything it is not getting from the food you’re eating. Mitochondrial health is critical to the health of your entire body and begins at the cellular level which is why supplements are so important when addressing any health issue.  Sara works synergistically with nutrition, lifestyle and her supplements, which focus on frequency enhanced detox that help your body get rid of the toxins overloading your system. Your body is a delicate ecosystem and can easily become dysregulated when exposed to common toxins used in daily life. Your liver is the detoxification pathway of your body and many foods that are staples of a healthy diet may actually be burdening your liver. By conscious eating and adding Sar