Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

2022: Inviting More Miracles Into Your Life This Year with Dr. Anna Cabeca and Marci Schimoff



We can’t create miracles, but we can create the conditions to invite them into our lives this year. The biggest thing that each of us can do to create a better world is for each of us to live a better, happier life. Marci Schimoff talks about her Year of Miracles program and how you can learn to become open to receiving more miracles in your life, how to focus your energy and attention on love and gratitude, and why the path to peace is finding happiness that doesn’t depend on your circumstances. [0:30] 2021 was a year of challenge and growth for many people, Marci included. Pivoting into her opportunities has been a real blessing. [2:20] The past year has also introduced a lot of additional stress into people’s lives. Having a supportive community around you can be crucial to growth and wellbeing, and can help you avoid becoming depressed and isolated. [5:10] We can’t do everything alone. We are social creatures and we get energy from connection with other people. Marci helps organize groups of women to con