Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Boosting Your Metabolic Health at Age 50 and Beyond with Dr. Anna Cabeca and JJ Virgin



JJ Virgin shares the key lifestyle changes that you need to make to boost your metabolism and live your best life at age 50 and beyond. Learn about the seven foods you should drop immediately from your diet, how to cross train your diet in the same way you would cross train your exercise, and the key health parameters you should be paying attention to every week to know if you’re moving in the right direction.  [1:45] One of the things you have to prioritize as you age is self-care and putting yourself first. Sacrificing your sleep may no longer be a worthy option. You can be in your best shape at 50, but you need to focus on what you need to be healthy. [3:30] A healthy body burns fat and holds onto muscle. If you’re carrying around extra weight, it may be an indicator that you have a metabolic condition. Weight loss is a side benefit of your metabolism working well. [4:20] You need to step on the scale everyday if you want to understand how your body is functioning. The key is to position yourself as the o