Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Breaking Up with a Toxic Ex-Boyfriend (aka Sugar) with Dr. Anna Cabeca



Halloween is essentially the beginning of an avalanche of sugar until the end of the year for most people, but if you’re not careful, you may be risking more than just rotting your teeth. Find out why sugar and stress is a deadly combination that you should definitely avoid, why the “diet” in diet soda is a cruel joke, and how you can ditch the toxic boyfriend known as sugar and start living the Keto Green lifestyle right now. [0:10] This is the season of sugar consumption and stress, and that combination leads to a lot of acidity in your system. It’s time to break up with the toxic boyfriend that keeps on coming back, sugar. [1:35] Halloween is known for sugar, sugar, sugar. And right after Halloween the holiday season starts up and with it comes the temptation to eat even more sugary treats. Unfortunately, stress and glucose together can be a deadly combination that creates acidity and inflammation throughout your body. [3:25] Getting into the Keto green lifestyle is the secret to breaking up with sugar fo